Friday, May 22, 2020

Lgbt Community Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender - 1937 Words

LGBT which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, are people who have their own gender and sexual preference. There is an estimated 3.5% of adults in the United States who identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual and an estimated 0.3% of adults who are transgender (Gate, â€Å"How many people are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender?†) There are cases such as Freddie Mason, Bernina Mata, and Duanna Johnson, which are some events that embellish a long shadow of criminalization of LGBT people in the United States. They are discriminated within their jobs, in housing, within the government, and even going into public places. The LGBT community is no different, so why are they seen just for their sexual preference? There needs to be a change, a change in which would provide better and safer lives for the LGBT community. In saying this, Congress should create a law which will abolish discrimination, and ensure civil protections for the LGBT community. In order for this law to be created Congress needs to be persuaded that this is a major issue to take action upon. LGBT people go through a lot just to be whom and what they want to be. Congress needs to be fully aware of some events that have taken place in the LGBT community because of discrimination. There is harassment, inadequate health care, hate crimes, and etc. There are more than enough cases that represent why there should be a law created to prevent this issue against the LGBT community. For instance, DuannaShow MoreRelatedLgbt, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender Community Essay3094 Words   |  13 PagesJesus Naranjo Jovanny Martinez Monica Acevedo LGBT The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender community have been the victims of discrimination and prejudice since the Post War Period. Although it is not documented, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender relationships have existed in many different cultures for many years. 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